Arathi Ramappa
Event Center
Nice Guys Finish First: 12 Strategies to De-stress and Create Positivity and Resilience
Whether you are an entrepreneur or a professional, you will learn how to deal with stressful situations that come up in your work life. The workshop starts with giving data from three different research studies that prove having a certain mindset at work will make your business more successful and will help you become a better leader. No matter what type of position you hold, this workshop will help you change your perspective and develop a mindset that gets you through difficult moments that occur in business. These strategies will help you create clarity, deal with conflict, find confidence, build trust, and develop a positive attitude.
Rob Hahn
Event Center
The Black Swans of Real Estate
Solo session
A Shock and Awe Campaign that only Notorious ROB can deliver - What do you do if the impossible happens?
Dave Fulk &
Benjamin Bressington
Event Center
How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Real Estate
Solo session
The Real Estate Industry is changing... Are you ready?
Leighton Dees
Community Center
A Check-Up For Your Business
Solo session
Make sure you have all the right parts for an effective & efficient business.
Steve Jolly
Community Center
How To Thrive in a Market Dominated by Modern Discount Brokers & iBuyers
Solo session
Many experts think that advances in technology will get rid of 35% of all real estate agents within 5 years. Those who survive will have learned to focus on the one thing that technology can't replace, relationships. And those who thrive will have learned to position themselves as the local expert. In this session, we will learn best ways to build trust and authority with your prospects, even if you have never met them in person.
Carrie Qualters
Pitch Practice
Anatomy of a perfect Facebook ad
Solo session
Facebook remains the king of the social networks and when leveraged properly can add to your bottom line. This session is chock full of Facebook goodness. The how-to, the why & the inspiration to up your Facebook ad game. We'll dissect and analyze what makes a compelling ad and make sure we're getting a return on investment for our advertising dollars.
Danielle Martin
Pitch Practice
FollowUpBoss Workgroup
Learn about FUB Tips and Tricks from a Customer Success Manager. If you're a current FUB user or thinking about a new CRM, learn best practices and ask questions from a Pro!
Laurie Weston Davis
Building a Team: The Why and How
Solo session
Teams are all the rage -- do you really need one? We’ll cover:
- What is a team?
- At what point should I think about starting a team?
- How should a team be structured?
- Are there rules?
- What if I don't want a team?
Jeremy Blanton
Solo session
In this session we will talk about creating content for your online presence that will grab consumers eyes and make them want to work with you. I will talk about the type of content I've created for my online presence that has brought me over $75,000 in potential commissions this year alone.
Solo or Group session - your choice!
Lunch is offsite but there are many options nearby. We'll get you a map of options in walking distance.
Chris Donaldson
Event Center
Say What!? Effective Consumer Communication in the Digital Age
Solo session
While once viewed as just part of the job, the digital revolution has transformed human communication massively in a brief period of time. We no longer send letters and wait for responses, now you might be expected to know the context of a simple emoji!
Say what?! To best perform your duties and obligations as real estate professionals, real estate pros need to communicate effectively in a wide variety of mediums.
This session offers background information, insights into consumer sentiment, and tangible strategies for better communication during all stages of a real estate transaction.
Ricky Carruth
Community Center
Solo session
Most agents view a prospect as a transaction today, or not. However, if you can change your mindset from that to viewing every prospect as a potential 10-20 deals to you over the life of your career regardless if they are ready to do a deal today or not, you can unlock the secret to Ricky's success of closing over 100 deals a year as a single agent for the last 5 years running.
Lindsay Trinkle
Why Landing Pages Are a Game Changer in Real Estate
Running your real estate business without landing pages is kind of like dropping your clients off in the middle of a neighborhood and hoping they make their way to the right house.
This probably isn’t the first time you have heard that you need landing pages to grow your real estate business. In this workshop, we will dive into the WHY and HOW of landing pages, giving you actionable insight that you can start using to increase your leads right away.
Turan Tekin
Event Center
Meeting the On-Demand Expectations of Today
Solo session
Description coming soon!
Dave Fulk &
Benjamin Bressington
Community Center
What You Need to Know About Human Behavior BEFORE You Spend Money on Marketing
Learn how to dominate your clients mindshare getting the highest ROI on your marketing dollars.
Kara MacDonald
Pitch Practice
The Power in Knowing Your Ideal Client
Solo session
In this session, I will walk the audience through The Avatar System I created for real estate agents. This system helps agents identify their ideal client. Once you know WHO you're "talking" to, the way you communicate changes tremendously. You will be amazed at the creativity that is unleashed once I take you through this system.
Elizabeth Flynn
Pitch Practice
Create Your Own Internal Creative Marketing Team
Solo session
Marketing is critical for all businesses, but especially real estate. Learn from Elizabeth Flynn, the Founder of Inclusive Creative, on how to make your marketing work for you- from the scrappy solo agent to large teams and brokerages. Learn how to leverage your existing networks, hire and manage staff, and plan to scale your marketing team as you grow. Increase your brand identity, solidify your lead generation, and get the essential plan for key team members and cornerstone tools to scale your marketing quickly and easily.
Sloane Rhoden
Get Over It and Hit Record
Solo session
Everyone is saying "video is the next big thing," but it’s a scary, unprecedented world out there. Are you WANTING to get into video marketing and not sure how to take the plunge? Join my no frills and no BS take on how to get YOU in front of the camera.
Sloane Rhoden
Video Round-Up
Think-tank format for sharing, creating, and collaborating different ideas and ways to use video your day-to-day life.
Laura Fangman
Event Center
Easy Money (And other lies you believed before getting into Real Estate)
Solo session
Cover common myths & misconceptions. We'll acknowledge the flaws in our thinking and explore alternate ways to get organized and take control of business.
Rett Harmon
Event Center
Using REALTOR® ADHD As Your Superpower
Solo session
Believe it or not realtors with ADHD have a competitive advantage if they learn how to channel this ability. Many of us were gifted with ADHD our whole life. Some have been diagnosed, and some are self diagnosed. Learn tips and tricks on how to embrace your ADHD, and learn how it can give you the competitive edge needed to sell more real estate.
Leighton Dees
Community Center
Next-Level Time Management for REALTORS®
The complete breakdown for staying on top of your game.
Andrew Sims
Pitch Practice
Building the Association of Tomorrow
Solo session
As REALTOR® Associations work to grow their value to their members' businesses, they are finding new ways to directly build the communities their members live, work and play in. From finding ways to integrate and utilize services like RPR data to get a seat at the table to working directly alongside public and private sector government and economic development partners on site selection projects, Associations can make a direct impact in the cities their members reside in by creating jobs and real estate opportunities. Come hear and share some examples of Smart Growth projects, working with city governments, and how you and your leadership can work to build the Association of tomorrow for your members and city. This is an open session where all ideas and sharing are welcome.
Tracy Freeman
Real Estate Therapy - how to not lose your mind as a REALTOR
Solo session
Description coming soon!
Zillow Group
Inside the Evolution of Zillow’s Premier Agent Program
Learn the history of Zillow's Premier Agent program and ask questions about the upcoming changes from someone who really knows.
Sunny Lake Hahn
Event Center
Setting Expectations
Solo session
Prepare to be a little uncomfortable. Actions speak louder than words, and small moments matter. Set expectations beyond ordinary commerce with clients, your broker, and each other through consistency, showing up, and communication.
Bill Lublin
Event Center
Coming Soon listings - Kiss/Marry/Kill
Solo session
Description coming soon!
Stephanie Shaw
Community Center
Head and Heart Alignment
The workshop creates awareness regarding time management & priorities. It also delves into success and what that looks like. Success may not necessarily be a completion of tasks.
Jay Thompson
Event Center
Haters Gonna Hate! Brand Reputation in Today’s World
Solo session
It can take years to build a brand, and only seconds to destroy it. Learn how to monitor brand mentions, respond to trolls, cultivate brand ambassadors and generally survive in the high-speed online world of today.
ATV Rooftop
Wrap it all up with free drinks on the Atlanta Tech Village Rooftop.
Happy Hour
Laminate/Name badge
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